I don’t blame the bike for this but the seller and manufacturer. Even when we tried contacting both the seller and manufacturer they didn’t want to just ship a part out, they instead wanted us to ship the entire thing back and gives us a whole new bike set. That would have been fine, but we had already assembled most of the mountain bike and we didn’t want to repack the entire thing just to ship it out and get another mountain bike that we would have to reassemble. The next problem is that the bike seat is hard and uncomfortable, if you only ride short distances it isn’t a problem, but if you do between 2 through 5 miles you will start to feel it. The handlebars sometimes wobble and slide out-of-place, not at the base where it connects to the body, but literally at the center “T” joint at the top near where your hands are, it will slip out-of-place and slide around. I have tightened it a few times and it now finally stays in place, but it can be dangerous when it randomly slides over while riding.
Hyper Bicycles, Inc. was established in 1990 by former BMX Pro Clay Goldsmid. Initially the company produced high end BMX Racing frames and components. Hyper Bicycles also established an ongoing commitment to supporting riders and the sport through sponsorships of individuals and teams. Hyper has since become a major player in the bicycle mass market, and in specialty sporting goods offering BMX Bikes, Mountain Bikes, and other products to a wide range of consumers. A few problems I found with the bike are as follows-
First, I don’t like how the handle bars are designed because you need a wrench to tighten them up and put them on. This is slightly annoying because other than the tires, everything else is assembled using hex keys (also known as an allen wrench).
All our wheels come with spare spokes and the Ride Bikes Bro edition are no different. The wheels are available in the same formats as our regular HYPER wheels. Available depths include 38mm, 50mm and 65mm as well as all featuring rim brake and disc brake versions. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.
Forget everything you thought you knew about e-bike performance. The updated HyperScrambler 2 with DUAL BATTERY CAPACITY, features an insane 100+ riding range, extreme hyper bicycles speed and power, and loads of upgraded electric bike components. Safety features include dual sideview mirrors, integrated brake light and turn signals.
To date, they produce the very best BMX bicycles in the world. The Hyper Lunatic Frame was designed by X-Games gold medalist, Brandon Loupos and is the exact frame he rides everyday. Hyperbike Battler still retains the same weaknesses as Motorbike Battler.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect hyper bicycles online. Free Shipping applies only to orders shipping within the United States or to APO/DPO addresses and only to a single address per order. A removable battery allows extra batteries to be used, extending the range of the bike.
Climbing a hill at the lowest gear setting available, without battery power. The relative distance that the bike covers with similar use. The payment for your account couldn’t be processed or you’ve canceled your account with us. We provide one of the most responsive after sales support in the industry. Expert E-Bike Assembly service at your home upon delivery of your bike.
For starters just like Motorbike Battler; Hyperbike Battler will damage itself upon hitting a enemy and it can hit at most 3 times, meaning Hyperbike Battler will not last all that long. Due to the increased cooldown and cost, timing must be more precise as a poorly timed Hyperbike Battler means cash wasted. It also doesn’t help that Hyperbike Battler is fairly expensive for a Unit of its calibre, costing 1200 on just one star.