It’s sized to fit every airline’s carry-on size requirements. My son and daughter each took one of these on a trip through Europe and they carried it on every plane, train, and bus they rode without any problems. It’s also small enough that it wasn’t inconvenient for them to have it with them everyday. Fit and finish were pretty good — no loose seams or stitching. Stitches appeared evenly spaced and of uniform distance from the fabric edges. There is a lack of reinforcement on the pack’s taffeta bottom, though.
Fast and easy to adjust and all buckles and webbing are in good quality. I saw this pack at Wally World and figured, $19 for a 28-liter pack, I’d give it a shot. If it doesn’t suit my needs, one of my daughters would be able to use it. Tents, hammocks or open-air camping — you can do it all according to your comfort level.
I carried this daypack back n forth on a trail to the shower while camping. The bag stayed in place on my back using the sternum strap. With access to the Ozark Trail available year-round, hikers will need to prepare differently for each season. Ozark springs see a lot ozark trail chair of rain and varied temperatures; Ozark summers tend to be hot, muggy, and wet; Ozark winters can drop below freezing. Wet weather is common to the Ozark climate, especially in late spring through summer, and fosters a breeding ground for bugs, mosquitos, and ticks.
Not the best choice for long trips or hikers who need to carry a large amount of gear. While this is made of a lightweight water resistant material, it does not have a built in rain flap. While this pack may not be big enough to carry all the gear you need for longer treks, it offers many of the features you would want at a good price.
Specific water sources are indicated on Ozark Trail online and printed maps. A great way to ask questions of like-minded outdoor enthusiasts is to check out the Ozark Trail Section Hikers and Backpackers (OTSHAB) Facebook page. You’ll find numerous advocates eager to answer your questions and aid you in planning your thru-hike. They might be able to assist in arranging a shuttle.
Overall, it could have been roomier, but the weight savings were attractive to me with only one spar instead of two. Furthermore, I didn’t plan on being in the tent other than during the nights, so a roomier but heavier 1-person tent wasn’t desirable. The weather was going to be great and the hammock was where I wanted to be during the restful moments of the day. The next section along Trace Creek is an enjoyable, quiet walk in the woods. Some hikers may choose to continue on Trace Creek to the Taum Sauk section, but OT thru-hikers should head west onto Middle Fork/John Roth Memorial section to complete the longer route.
It was pretty easy to make adjustments from the side door access. This pack fits me fine and is very comfortable for lightweight loads. It’s light enough that I don’t mind putting it in my backpack and it takes up almost no space at all. And on summit day, I sure am glad I have a daypack! For day hikes this is just as good as (and lighter than) my Osprey Daylite that retails for almost four times more.
Haul all your gear to base camp, and then convert the top lid into a functional daypack for shorter excursions. Step up your outdoor adventures with the Ozark Trail Himont 50L Multi-Day Backpack. The one downside with integrated rain flies is the lack of ventilation and temperature control.
Backpacking Light community posts are moderated and here to foster helpful and positive discussions about lightweight backpacking. Please be mindful of our values and boundaries and review our Community Guidelines prior to posting. A perk of hiking lesser-traveled trails are fewer (or non-existent) permits and parking fees.
Choose this pack if you prefer a smaller yet spacious design, as it has useful features and the durability of larger options. On the small side, so it won’t work for hikers who need a spacious pack. Because it’s basically a single compartment stuff bag, I did have to make sure the items inside were distributed properly.