If you are a customer who is looking to order a bike through your local Transition dealer or through the Transition Factory Outpost Store you will want to reach out to them directly. Although whenever my wife drags me to WalMart, I make it a point of taking pictures of the bikes that are assembled incorrectly. At Genesis we have a history of doing things our own way, whether that’s making bikes we want to ride, or heading in a direction that might seem a little crazy at the time. It’s who we are and we embrace that as we share our latest range.
The model number can be found on the lower portion of the seat genesis bicycles tube just above the crank on a black and silver decal.
Of course, any weight savings from the bar swap would be offset when it comes time to replace the pedals (after about two rides or less), as they seem to have earned a reputation as the cheapest pedals ever. We did note that in online reviews, the average owner spent an additional $80 or more to get their bike in working order. Incorrectly installed tubes lasted only until they were inflated.
That’s not something we usually find on the typical full squishy mountain bike, but we don’t usually shop for bicycles where most people buy diapers and groceries. V2100 from Genesis Bicycles is just what the doctor ordered for on and off-road exercise, and fun. All this set up with a comfortable riding position featuring a padded saddle and rise handlebars will keep you out of the chiropractor’s office. Before anyone gets concerned about the shipping weight of over forty pounds, don’t panic. Actual weight of the Genesis V2100 is in the pound range, depending on the accuracy of your scale. It wouldn’t be too much work to bring that down a bit by swapping the heavy steel riser bar for an aluminum one.
The only good thing about these bikes that I like are the shumano derailleur, the tires, and the grips. My friend has one of these bikes and I’m trying to trade him tires lol. Genesis bikes became renowned for their use of steel tubing and ethos for function over form. We’re genesis bicycles experiencing a very high volume of orders during the Pre-Holiday Season. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive inventory and new bikes updates. The Beta Site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and we make no warranty to you of any kind, express or implied.
It has a drivetrain that many bikes shops simply won’t touch. They’re not snobs, they just know that no amount of time or skill will make loose and sloppy components work well. Since you own this bike, there’s a very good chance that you have never heard of a bike shop. They carry all sorts of odd bits and pieces for bicycles, and may even have a 26″ front rim with disc brake hub. But if your Genesis V1200 needs a new rim, now may be a good time to consider cutting your losses and sell it for scrap instead. If you want a quality bike that fits you, with components that work as intended, do not expect to find it at WalMart.
We ask that you return your bike to the same place it was purchased. If you purchased on our website, genesis mountain bike we can accept the return. If bought at an outside retailer, be sure to have your receipt.
No surprises, just great bikes that you can pay off with as low as 0% APR financing from Affirm on select bikes. The amount you can expect to receive in store credit when trading in your bike with a dealer. I too started out on a bike of this price. After 100 miles my rear hub became so loose that it was pretty much un-ride-able. Over ten years the range expanded beyond commuter bikes to include road, mountain, cyclo-cross, gravel, kids and fat bikes. After repairs, the bikes are then sold on to prevent waste, encourage cycling and support the charity’s work.