Because it doesn’t have a push-bar option, it’s not as versatile as our top or runner-up picks. But if you’re buying a tricycle for an older kid, they may prefer the style of this more-sophisticated-looking trike. Parents didn’t love the harness, and kids preferred our top pick. The INFANS trike is about 4 pounds heavier than the Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Stroll ’N Trike; we think the added weight is why our kid testers found it harder to ride independently. Like the Radio Flyer trike, this one also has plastic wheels, but they didn’t work as well on dirt pathways.
In trying to be a trike and a bike, it succeeds at neither. It also doesn’t work for kids under age 2, despite the ages listed on the product page. Since they can be a bit of an investment, it’s always best to go with a trusted brand that manufactures durable and schwinn bicycles long-lasting bikes. And when it comes to adult tricycles, the Schwinn brand, founded in 1895, is just that. Schwinn’s sturdy adult tricycles give riders plenty of stability and come with cargo baskets, making them ideal for a trip to the store or farmers’ market.
The XJD 5-in-1 Kids Tricycle is a trike that turns into a balance bike. It takes 10 minutes to build, and it’s easy to adapt from trike to bike by adjusting the two schwinn tricycle back wheels into one (they slide together) and removing the pedals. It’s sturdier than many of the trikes we tried, with hard rubber wheels instead of plastic.
She’s the author of our guides to the best jogging strollers and the best kids hiking backpacks, and she’s a mom to two children. As Jenni was writing the current version of this guide, her kids were 15 months and 3½ years old—perfect trike-testing age. Install Rear WheelsLocate the side of the wheel with a flat section that matches the flat section on the rear drive axle. Align the flat sections on the hub and axle, then slide the wheel onto the axle until it stops. Slide one washer over the axle end, then thread the locknut on and tighten it with a wrench. Repeat for the second rear wheel, then turn the tricycle right side up.
However, you will find some difference between saddles in Schwinn’s range of adult trikes. Some saddles are slightly wider and better padded than others and some are sprung for shock absorption. That being said, even the slightly narrower and less-padded saddles are more cushioned and comfortable than an average bicycle seat. Tricycles are great for adults who either can’t ride standard Schwinn bicycles or don’t feel all that comfortable riding them on the roads or out in public. With an adult tricycle, you can confidently enjoy bike rides with your family or friends or use your trike for commuting or running errands.
Both versions of the bike are sturdy enough to hold the weight of most adults. Both writers also threw “bike parties” with a dozen kids, ages 1 to 7, along with the parents, and they noted which options everyone gravitated toward and which they ignored. The seat should ideally include some back support to help brace a child’s trunk, especially if they’re under age 3, said Rebecca Talmud, DPT, a pediatric physical therapist in Washington, DC. We looked for trikes that can be passed down from child to child.
I live in a town where NO ONE does trikes or bikes, and I don’t have any way to take it somewhere to fix. It should be about hip level when you’re standing next to the bike. Install Seatpost
Open the seatpost quick-release lever, then slide the seatpost into the frame. Ensure the seatpost is inserted past the minimum insertion line marked on the post.
The INFANS Kids Tricycle is similar to our top pick, but it offers added durability and has a higher price tag. This trike is a solid option if you can’t find the Radio Flyer, or if you want a trike with sturdier hardware. The INFANS trike weighs 20 pounds, whereas the Radio Flyer is 16, so it’s a bit harder for little kids to ride the INFANS trike by schwinn mountain bike themselves. We also liked the pedal covers of the Radio Flyer’s stroller configuration better than the foot pegs on the INFANS trike. But this trike is well made, and it’s quick to build and convert. With a wide rear wheel position, the Meridian tricycle provides more stability than a bicycle so riders of all experience levels can get around easily.