The INFANS Kids Tricycle is similar to our top pick, but it offers added durability and has a higher price tag. This trike is a solid option if you can’t find the Radio Flyer, or if you want a trike with sturdier hardware. The INFANS trike weighs 20 pounds, whereas the Radio Flyer is 16, so it’s a bit harder for little kids to ride the INFANS trike by schwinn mountain bike themselves. We also liked the pedal covers of the Radio Flyer’s stroller configuration better than the foot pegs on the INFANS trike. But this trike is well made, and it’s quick to build and convert. With a wide rear wheel position, the Meridian tricycle provides more stability than a bicycle so riders of all experience levels can get around easily.
However, you will find some difference between saddles in Schwinn’s range of adult trikes. Some saddles are slightly wider and better padded than others and some are sprung for shock absorption. That being said, even the slightly narrower and less-padded saddles are more cushioned and comfortable than an average schwinn tricycle bicycle seat. Tricycles are great for adults who either can’t ride standard Schwinn bicycles or don’t feel all that comfortable riding them on the roads or out in public. With an adult tricycle, you can confidently enjoy bike rides with your family or friends or use your trike for commuting or running errands.
Please note, a stock image is included to provide you with a visual snapshot of this item that we could not capture otherwise. Radio Flyer offers a two-year warranty on all of its tricycles. Conditions of items will be either LIKE-NEW, OPEN BOX or DAMAGED.
She’s the author of our guides to the best jogging strollers and the best kids hiking backpacks, and she’s a mom to two children. As Jenni was writing the current version of this guide, her kids were 15 months and 3½ years old—perfect trike-testing age. Install Rear WheelsLocate the side of the wheel with a flat section that matches the flat section on the rear drive axle. Align the flat sections on the hub and axle, then slide the wheel onto the axle until it stops. Slide one washer over the axle end, then thread the locknut on and tighten it with a wrench. Repeat for the second rear wheel, then turn the tricycle right side up.
It has more heft and seems sturdier than today’s Big Wheel brand. Older kids will likely enjoy the speed and easy turns of a lightweight, low-slung trike, but Kate’s 3-year-old son had some trouble getting the 16-inch front wheel to move. When it comes to a low-rider-style trike, overall we think the Schwinn Roadster provides a better ride.
Before riding, always make sure your tires are inflated and that your brakes are working properly. Read the quick start guide below and your Schwinn bicycle owner’s manual. The 26- model can take up to a 300 lbs rider with 50 lbs for the cargo basket.
Install Rear Drive Sub-Frame
Loosen and remove the four bolts at the rear of the main frame. Slide the rear drive sub-frame over the main frame until the holes in both components are aligned. Verify the secondary chain sprockets are in alignment. Reinstall the four bolts from the inside of the frame.
I’d guess the single-speed freewheel/freehub on the jackshaft has something wrong with its pawls. I posted about this about two years ago and the other trike is no schwinn mountain bike longer on the road. New trike (got it about a year ago) is now having the same issue as the last. I have a video on twitter that I just did to explain it better.
The low standover aluminum frame makes it easy to get on and off, while the extra-large seat offers superior comfort on every ride. If you need to tackle a range of gradients on your route, this seven-speed tricycle is the ideal option, making lighter work of hills. The spacious cargo basket has a solid base and can fold when not in use. Like the three-speed model, it’s only available in a 26-inch wheel size.